Robert Jones+ Everything You Need To Know To Get You Started: What Is it?

What Is it?

Corrlinks is a great service to use to communicate with friends and family that have unfortunately been incarcerated in prison. How this works is by a relationship between the ATG and the corrections agency.

This relationship allows friends and family to use the system and subscribe to the Corrlinks service.  By using the Corrlinks service family members will be able to have limit and secure communications with their loved ones while they spend their time in prison.  All communications are monitored by third parties for security purposes.

To get started with Corrlinks is quite a simple process.  The first thing you have to do is have an email address so that you can login.  You have to fill in all of the necessary details and personal information to be able to obtain an account with Corrlinks.  

Once this is done you can check your email to see if the Corrlinks system has responded to your request for an account.  In the email that you should receive will be all of the details and account confirmations, when you have received the confirmation email then you will be able to log into Corrlinks and start to communicate with inmates.

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